Monitoring and Reporting
for TETRA Professional Network

Globberry's RMon solution helped improve the efficiency of network resources
management and enabled informed decision-making by providing structured
data about the network.


The leading oil and gas company in Kazakhstan, a joint venture of the Kazakhstan government and a consortium of international oil companies.

System Integrator

The leading supplier of radio communications, security, and surveillance solutions in Kazakhstan.



Inefficient use of available resources (stations and equipment)


Lack of data about the network for reporting and decision making


Laborious and complicated report preparation for the operations team


Project Highlights

The project was conducted using agile methodologies, with quick stakeholder feedback. As a result, requirements were implemented in a timely manner, and the customer received the system with richer functionality than initially envisioned.


The proposed solution is based on Globberry Remote Monitoring for TETRA Networks, a product that monitors subscriber activity and network resources utilization in real time for converged, multi-technology access networks.

In addition to real-time utilization and alarm monitoring, the solution gives visibility to different facets of radio-network maintenance. RMon includes historical data and reports constructor for the creation of user-specific pivot reports.

In order to effectively process huge amounts of data, RMon utilizes Apache Druid as a Big Data engine, Apache Kafka as the messaging bus, and Prometheus for solution monitoring.



  • Visibility of network load enabled informed network-planning process
  • Operational teams don’t expend resources on report preparation
  • More efficient allocation of expensive stations based on real usage
  • Identification of unused or lost stations

More than 12 000

Number of subscriber terminals


> 1 million

Events per hour