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Launch new products faster and unlock business model innovations with Globberry Policy Management Suite

Start launching new innovative products faster with Globbery Policy Management Suite

Globberry Policy Management Suite is pre-integrated, quick to deploy and easy to manage. You will be able to configure new products way faster and respond to competition by supporting innovative business models: bill shock prevention, sponsored data offerings, QoS and bandwidth shaping, MVNO dedicated policies and many more.
Policy and Charging Rule Function
Diameter Routing Agent
Subscriber Profile Repository

Globberry Policy and Charging Rule Function (PCRF)

Service provider class system for managing the subscriber's individual and group Internet access policies in the operator's networks. It is intended to help CSPs in delivering pricing innovation, competitive differentiation, new product introduction and consistent customer experience.

The product can be used as a main PCRF and a secondary PCRF to serve a subset of subscribers (MVNO, large corporate customers) or respond to urgent regulatory or market requirements.

Globberry PCRF is a part of the pre-integrated Globberry Policy Management Suite but can be deployed as standalone solution integrated with the operator’s BSS environment.


Ease of Policy Administration

Business rules are easy to manage with intuitive GUI. It reduces the demands on operations staff, and implementation of policy changes becomes a simple operational routine

Improved Scalability

Modular microservice architecture allows flexible scaling to match performance demands without PCRF redeployment and service interruptions

CAPEX Reduction

The product is built on top of open source software frameworks. No additional CAPEX for 3rd-party software

Cloud Native

The distributed architecture lets the operator deploy Globberry PCRF on physical or virtual servers, including servers in the private or public cloud

Open Interfaces

All Globberry PCRF interfaces with other network components are implemented according to standardized open protocols

With our PCRF you can:

  • Quickly and easily update existing products or create new products and services, by configuring new data usage policies
  • Create a new class of products with varying bandwidths, dynamically changing with the subscriber’s traffic consumption
  • Implement products dependent on the session APN, subscriber location or any other data session attribute
  • Introduce special plans for popular Internet applications and sites
  • Provide free access to selected websites and applications
  • Collect additional revenue from subscribers by selling them paid traffic bundles (turbo buttons) on demand
  • Personalize product attributes to the needs of individual subscribers, with a process driven by the subscribers themselves
  • Modify access speeds or fully block data access to subscribers
  • Provide special data access policies to subscribers in roaming and notify them in the case of excessive data usage to prevent bill shock
  • Collect and analyze data usage statistics to create products that maximize an operator's revenue and provide additional value to his subscribers

Key Product Features

Policy Control

Calculation and real-time application of data access policies based on business rules of any complexity

Advice of Charges

Control and notification of excessive data usage, especially by subscribers in roaming, with the goal of preventing unexpected charges

Personalized Policies

Service and parameter-dependent data usage policies, real-time policy modification with service or parameter changes

Shaping and Gating

Limiting data transfer speeds or blocking data transfer at a flow level or at the session level

Usage and Policy Reporting

Integration with self-service portals and other operator systems, with the purpose of providing data on subscriber traffic usage and current service conditions

Usage-Based Policy and Charging

Accumulation of traffic usage data on a session, service or flow basis, policy modification based on the traffic volumes consumed

Policy Control in Roaming

Application of special data usage policies for subscribers in roaming

SMS and Web Notifications

Policy change notifications via SMS messages or by http traffic redirection to preconfigured web pages with relevant information

Flow-Based Charging

Installation of policies separating the subscriber data into flows depending on traffic direction, protocol or Internet application, with subsequent application of different charging rules

Globberry Diameter Routing Agent (DRA)

Scalable tool for Diameter message distribution and routing for various signaling flows of the CSP networks. DRA helps operators deal with the exponential growth of Diameter message traffic, which will explode even further with the wide introduction of 5G. DRA is intended to be the dispatch hub of Diameter messaging, ensuring translation, enrichment, load balancing, anonymizing and routing of the messages to the proper destinations.

Globberry DRA is a part of the pre-integrated Globberry Policy Management Suite, but can be deployed as a standalone solution integrated with the operator’s BSS environment


Simplification of Diameter Signaling Flows:

Replacing the full-mesh connectivity with a dispatch hub will simplify the addition of new nodes, integrating with non-standard Diameter implementations and network upgrades

Improved Scalability:

Modular microservice architecture allows flexible scaling to match performance demands without DRA redeployment and service interruptions

CAPEX Reduction:

The product is built on top of open source software frameworks. No additional CAPEX for 3rd-party software

Flexibility of BSS:

Easy reconfiguration of Diameter routing rules lets operators split policy application and charging among different network components, based on criteria such as region, subscriber category or personalized services

Open Interfaces:

All Globberry DRA interfaces with other network components are implemented according to standardized open protocols

With our DRA you can:

  • Facilitate and accelerate modifications to the Diameter routing topology when adding new network components and subsystems
  • Achieve uniform and consistent management of the routing rules for different implementations of the Diameter protocols used in the telecommunications industry, such as Gx, Gy, Sy, Rx, Rf, Ro, S6a/S6d, S9 and S13
  • Forward all messages related to a single data transfer session to the same set of network components, regardless of the Diameter interface being used
  • Optimize network resources usage through dividing the subscriber base by home location or any other criteria, and service each of the subscriber groups using the subset of network components allocated specifically for that group
  • Decrease the number of connections between components, by an order of magnitude
  • Easily scale the existing network with growing Diameter load by further subscriber segmentation, horizontal scaling of the components and by centralized reconfiguration of the Diameter signaling topology inside DRA
  • Protect from malicious intrusions by fully concealing the internal network topology, through anonymizing the realms and host addresses of all network components receiving and processing Diameter requests
  • Seamlessly integrate network components from different vendors using different Diameter “dialects” – including “dialects” with proprietary AVPs – by adjusting the contents of the Diameter messages at the time of their routing
  • Enrich Diameter messages with subscriber and/or session attributes known to the service provider, but absent in the incoming messages, for various reasons
  • Introduce components with RADIUS interfaces into the networks with Diameter-based signaling
  • Collect statistical and performance data (KPIs) for all Diameter signaling interfaces within the operator’s network from a single location

Key Product Features

Message Relay:

Distributing Diameter messages transmitted over various signaling interfaces to the target network components

Subscriber-Dependent Routing:

Distributing Diameter messages to the target components responsible for servicing a specific subscriber group

Session Binding:

Routing of all related messages for the same data transfer session to the same set of service components


Converting RADIUS messages to the Diameter format, and vice versa

Host/Realm Anonymizing:

Deleting the host/realm data from the Diameter responses, thereby preventing external systems from discovering the equipment type and host addresses of any components inside the operator’s network, except for the DRA itself


Modifying certain attributes inside the routed Diameter messages, with the purpose of maintaining compatibility between various equipment types and/or enriching the messages with session and subscriber information


Limiting the load on internal network components during unexpected peaks/bursts of incoming Diameter messages

Globberry Subscription Profile Repository (SPR)

The Subscription Profile Repository (SPR) is a 3GPP-compliant database for holding subscriber data relevant to operation of the Policy & Charging Control (PCC) framework by a telecommunications operator.

The product is based on micro-service architecture and can be deployed on an arbitrary configuration of physical or virtual servers, including servers in the cloud.

Cloud SPR is a pre-integrated component of the Globberry Policy Management Suite, although it can be used as a standalone product.


OPEX Reduction

Virtualization, modular structure, single point of provisioning and simplified network architecture

High performance

Unrivalled performance with extremely fast dynamic profile database, maintaining read/write latencies in single milliseconds


High reliability and reservation, including geo-redundancy and automatic failover/system recovery

Standard Compliance

Compatibility with 2G/3G/4G and non-3GPP access networks

Improved Scalability

Virtually unlimited capacity and throughout due to easy horizontal scalability, database decentralization and built-in replication features

Future proof

Support for subscriber profile attributes specific for newer applications, such as VoLTE, LTE Broadcast, Car Connectivity and Internet of Things/M2M

Key Product Features

Static Profile Storage

Holding static subscriber data relevant to the Policy & Charging Control operation, such as the subscriber category, allowed services and preferred QoS

PCRF Notification

Interactively informing PCRF about all subscriber profile changes requiring immediate review of the applicable PCC rules

Dynamic Profile Maintenance

Holding and updating dynamic subscriber profile data such as traffic consumption levels, spending limits and current service conditions

Profile Provisioning

Limiting data transfer speeds or blocking data transfer at a flow level or at the session level

Usage-Based Policy and Charging

Supporting provisioning interfaces for loading and maintaining the static subscriber profile data from the operator’s OSS/BSS systems.

PCRF Sp Interface

Providing PCRF with a consistent ACID interface for creating, reading, modifying and deleting subscriber data stored in the Cloud SPR, with clear distinction between static and dynamic data

Additional Resources


Cloud PCRF as second PCC Architecture

Cloud PCRF as second PCC Architecture

Two PCRF setup. Reference Architecture.


Cloud DRA Whitepaper

Cloud DRA Whitepaper This document describes the Cloud Diameter Routing Agent (DRA) software suite developed by Globerry. Conceptually, DRA i...

Cloud PCRF Whitepaper

Cloud PCRF Whitepaper This document describes the Cloud PCRF software suite developed by Globberry and how it could be used to help CSP IT dep...

Cloud SPR Whitepaper

Cloud SPR Whitepaper This document describes the Cloud SPR product developed by Globberry as part of its Policy Management Suite. Besides thi...
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