Managed services_

What we do > Managed services

Experience and innovation

BSS Service Description

Globberry BSS division possess a unique set of expertise to ensure successful delivery in the most critical part of the CSP’s business.  Globberry helps clients to grow their business and keep up with competitors by providing tools to launch new innovative products. Main value we are offering is lean and agile BSS solutions with minimal time to market and support cost.

Service Offerings

We perform complete delivery cycle support for Billing, Charging, Mediation projects. One of our key competence is DPI and PCRF implementation, both with own product and 3rd party solutions. Our service offering includes:

Billing & Charging
Online & Offline Mediation
Legacy BSS Data Migration
Cloud BSS


Besides full cycle of project implementation Globberry BSS offers additional services in Project/Program management, quality assurance, acceptance testing and data migration

Our Achievements

We have an experience of implementation and maintenance of CSP class “mission critical” real time solutions with high load and performance

     • Turnkey implementation of DPI solution with 2 million concurrent subscribers’ sessions and 20Gbps analysed interface
     • Implementation of a Document Generation System with 1 million pages generated monthly
     •Implementation of the pre-billing mediation system with 1 billion of offline-charged and 0.5 billion online charged events per day
     • Extensive system integration experience. Building interfaces with load of 1000 requests per second

Our benefits

     • Experience of building and maintaining mission critical BSS applications with more than 10 milion. subscribers
     • Own product management and software development expertise of CSP class BSS software
     • Proven capability to scale engineering staff for the projects

Globberry networking capabilities explained

Case Study: PCRF Implementation
Extensive growth of data services and strong request to build new products with complex charging had driven our customer to start PCRF implementation projects. PCRF opened a new dimension of data services business by providing agile environment for fast building new products and services for business and individual subscribers

Staff augmentation

What we do > Staff augmentation

Experience and innovation

BSS Service Description

Globberry BSS division possess a unique set of expertise to ensure successful delivery in the most critical part of the CSP’s business.  Globberry helps clients to grow their business and keep up with competitors by providing tools to launch new innovative products. Main value we are offering is lean and agile BSS solutions with minimal time to market and support cost.

Service Offerings

We perform complete delivery cycle support for Billing, Charging, Mediation projects. One of our key competence is DPI and PCRF implementation, both with own product and 3rd party solutions. Our service offering includes:

Billing & Charging
Online & Offline Mediation
Legacy BSS Data Migration
Cloud BSS


Besides full cycle of project implementation Globberry BSS offers additional services in Project/Program management, quality assurance, acceptance testing and data migration

Our Achievements

We have an experience of implementation and maintenance of CSP class “mission critical” real time solutions with high load and performance

     • Turnkey implementation of DPI solution with 2 million concurrent subscribers’ sessions and 20Gbps analysed interface
     • Implementation of a Document Generation System with 1 million pages generated monthly
     •Implementation of the pre-billing mediation system with 1 billion of offline-charged and 0.5 billion online charged events per day
     • Extensive system integration experience. Building interfaces with load of 1000 requests per second

Our benefits

     • Experience of building and maintaining mission critical BSS applications with more than 10 milion. subscribers
     • Own product management and software development expertise of CSP class BSS software
     • Proven capability to scale engineering staff for the projects

Globberry networking capabilities explained

Case Study: PCRF Implementation
Extensive growth of data services and strong request to build new products with complex charging had driven our customer to start PCRF implementation projects. PCRF opened a new dimension of data services business by providing agile environment for fast building new products and services for business and individual subscribers

Business Process Outsourcing

What we do > Business Process Outsourcing

Experience and innovation

BSS Service Description

Globberry BSS division possess a unique set of expertise to ensure successful delivery in the most critical part of the CSP’s business.  Globberry helps clients to grow their business and keep up with competitors by providing tools to launch new innovative products. Main value we are offering is lean and agile BSS solutions with minimal time to market and support cost.

Service Offerings

We perform complete delivery cycle support for Billing, Charging, Mediation projects. One of our key competence is DPI and PCRF implementation, both with own product and 3rd party solutions. Our service offering includes:

Billing & Charging
Online & Offline Mediation
Legacy BSS Data Migration
Cloud BSS


Besides full cycle of project implementation Globberry BSS offers additional services in Project/Program management, quality assurance, acceptance testing and data migration

Our Achievements

We have an experience of implementation and maintenance of CSP class “mission critical” real time solutions with high load and performance

     • Turnkey implementation of DPI solution with 2 million concurrent subscribers’ sessions and 20Gbps analysed interface
     • Implementation of a Document Generation System with 1 million pages generated monthly
     •Implementation of the pre-billing mediation system with 1 billion of offline-charged and 0.5 billion online charged events per day
     • Extensive system integration experience. Building interfaces with load of 1000 requests per second

Our benefits

     • Experience of building and maintaining mission critical BSS applications with more than 10 milion. subscribers
     • Own product management and software development expertise of CSP class BSS software
     • Proven capability to scale engineering staff for the projects

Globberry networking capabilities explained

Case Study: PCRF Implementation
Extensive growth of data services and strong request to build new products with complex charging had driven our customer to start PCRF implementation projects. PCRF opened a new dimension of data services business by providing agile environment for fast building new products and services for business and individual subscribers

IT Governance

What we do > IT Governance
IT Services and Infrastructure Consulting
IT Governance
Globberry can take care of the full range of your company’s IT needs, from creation and implementation of IT policies and procedures to end-to-end datacenter construction projects, decreasing the need for expensive dedicated IT staff. Our services portfolio includes:

Service Offerings

Policies and procedures implementation and compliance monitoring

Globberry can perform an audit of existing IT infrastructure and procedures to help an enterprise identify the bottlenecks and weak links in their IT landscape and create actionable recommendations for improvement.

Software configuration, customization, and development

Globberry’s engineers can take care of support for complex software platforms, ensuring no-hassle upgrades, fixes and customizations to make enterprise software better suited to delivering maximum value to your business.

Software installation and deployment

Planning and executing large-scale installations of complex enterprise software can be quite a challenge. Globberry can ensure that the process of rolling out a new application across your enterprise would be smooth and hassle-free.

Hardware infrastructure installation and deployment

Properly designed hardware infrastructure allows your company to get the most out of your IT investments, protecting from cost overruns and expensive late additions to the project. Globberry’s engineer can help with the planning of hardware infrastructure, considering software’s usage characteristics, performance requirements, scalability and your business-specific requirements. At the next stage, we are ready to assist with hardware procurement and installation, taking care of all hardware resources required for an IT transformation project.

Our Benefits

     • Diverse competence in nearly all aspects of Enterprise IT infrastructure
     • Large practical experience in implementing projects for both mid-level and large enterprises
     • A good cultural and price fit for mid-size companies and implementation due to direct open communications and more attention to customer needs


Case Study: Managed Service of IT Infrastructure Management for Mobile Operator Headquarter
Support of day to day operations of personal IT infrastructure equipment including PCs, printers, and accessories in headquarter of mobile operator with more than 500 workplaces

Enterprise IT

What we do >Enterprise IT

Experience and innovation

Enterprise IT Service Description

Globberry Enterprise IT operates in its vibrant and dynamic areas of expertise according to the principle “Here we must run as fast as we can, just to stay in place. And if you wish to go anywhere, you must run twice as fast as that.” Our IT division is quick to adopt new technologies, new products, and new knowledge, and to learn the security threads in order to deliver our customers the latest technological solutions for efficient IT architecture, infrastructure, software and cyber threats protection.

Service Offerings

Globberry Enterprise IT offers its customers a large variety of services ranging from Enterprise IT architecture and integration, ITAM implementation, and integration consulting, to building and maintenance of  IT infrastructure, corporate networks and data centers.An essential part of our enterprise service portfolio comprises our enterprise security services. Our service offering includes:

IT infrastructure building, deployment and maintenance
    Corporate networks
    Data Centers
    Storage Area Networks
Enterprise Architecture and Integration
     Concept and Design
     Implementation and Software Development
ITSM Software Implementation
Enterprise Security
    Audit, Consulting and Governance
    HW Security
    Application and Network Security


Our Benefits

     • Diverse competence in nearly all aspects of Enterprise IT infrastructure
     • Large practical experience in implementing projects for both mid-level and large enterprises
     • A good cultural and price fit for mid-size companies and implementation due to direct open communications and more attention to customer needs


Globberry networking capabilities explained

Case Study: IT Infrastructure Support and Maintenance for Mobile Operator
IT Service management of day to day operations of personal IT infrastructure equipment including PCs, printers, and accessories in headquarter of mobile operator with more than 500 workplaces
SDN & NFV Reality chek. Globberry experts are sharing their insights
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Read more >

Globberry CTO speaks on future of managed services
Related materials
White Paper: Globberry Network build and deply white paper
Datasheet: Globberry Network services datasheet

Network Audit and Optimization

What we do > Network Audit and Optimization

Premium Consulting Services

Network Audit Service Description

In a world of ever-growing security threats, more and more CSPs make security their top priority. At the same time, mergers and acquisitions happen constantly in telecoms world, prompting the need for uniting networks with different histories and vendor makeups under a single control infrastructure. Performing both of those tasks with maximum efficiency in terms of time and costs call for an experienced partner in the field of network audit. The globberry team is proud of being such a partner to a number of leading service providers in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Service Offerings

Solution Evaluation

Leave the task of evaluating a complex, multi-technology, multi-vendor network to the professionals – Globberry’s engineers can evaluate a major operator’s network in a matter of weeks. Out specialists hold multiple certifications with almost all major equipment vendors for transport, access, datacenter and mobile network equipment, as well as experience working with industry-standard network management solutions.

Network Configuration Audit

As part of an audit project, our team looks for security vulnerabilities, state of firmware, errors in equipment configuration, underutilized or overloaded nodes and links, performance weak points and other issues that can impact the performance of provider’s network and ultimately, customer’s user experience. A comprehensive report listing all identified issues is presented to the customer at the end of the audit.

Optimization Planning

After the weaknesses and performance issues have been identified, our team present the customer with recommendations on issue resolution with measurable KPIs for improvements in case recommendations have been implemented.

Our Achievements

  • Saved millions of dollars of CAPEX and OPEX cost to our clients as a result of audits performed by our team

Our benefits

  • Large team of highly skilled network engineers with decades of experience in building and optimizing large-scale carrier-grade network
  • Audit process fully compliant with industry standards and best practices
  • Quick project turnaround, typically delivering tangible results within few weeks of the audit start

Case Study: Mobile Operator Backbone Transport Network Audit
Transport network audit for a large mobile operator in eastern Europe with over 500 nodes in the network, resulting in a major upgrade of security procedures and infrastructure
Case Study: Complete Networks Audit for Mobile Operator
Network audit for a major mobile operator in Central Asia, including multi-vendor IP and DWDM networks, delivering a full audit report with performance enhancement recommendations in less than 3 weeks from project initiation.

Revenue Management

What we do > Revenue Management

BSS Ecosystem Audit and Consulting

Revenue Management Consulting Service Description

Revenue management and forecasting is a key focus area for CSPs worldwide, as increasing market competition and importance of customer satisfaction drives the operators to seek more efficient ways of understanding their customers and anticipating their needs. Globberry’s product and service portfolio provides a comprehensive toolbox for revenue management, allowing for a seamless integration of our own products, improvements to existing infrastructure and introduction of solutions from our partner ecosystem. From complete BSS stack overhaul to making changes to an API between two systems – Globberry has experience with consulting and implementation projects of different scale, involving solutions from industry-leading vendors.

Service Offerings

Billing and Mediation Solutions Audit, Evaluation, Scoping, Implementation Consulting

                Billing and Mediation solutions are a key source of information for revenue management and revenue assurance, giving access to crucial data on service usage patterns, potentially fraudulent transactions and other insights on how the subscribers are utilizing the CSPs offerings. Being business-critical applications, mistakes and delays in delivering even small updates to Billing and Mediation platforms can snowball into huge costs for the business, requiring a trusted partner to guide each step of the process.

RTCC and Policy Control Scoping, Evaluation, Implementation Consulting

Real-time Charging and Policy Control platforms is another group of business-critical applications, with the added complexity of additional performance and reliability requirements brought about by their real-time nature. Globberry can support scoping, evaluation and implementation consulting activities for RTCC and Policy Control swap, upgrade, customization and integration.

BSS Data Migration Scoping and Evaluation

Flawlessly executed data migration is critical for business continuity during a major upgrade of a BSS platform, or when implementing a new solution taking over from legacy software. Data source analysis, data cleanup, preparation and transformation are typically extremely intensive in terms of time and resources required, often stretching operator’s own IT resources to the limit. Globberry can offer our experience in executing data migration projects of any scale and complexity.

Open Source SW Selection and Implementation

Over last five to ten years, CSPs have put more trust into Open Source software than ever before, benefitting from decreased licensing cost, elimination or reduction of vendor lock-in and the ability to mix and match solution components derived from different sources. The benefits of Open Source solutions typically come with a downside of having to hire expensive DevOps teams to make sense of the ever-changing landscape of Open Source software. Globberry can bring to the table immense knowledge of Open Source solutions and frameworks and apply it to selecting and planning the implementation of Open Source platforms to best benefit a CSP’s business.

Our Achievements

  • Implementation of a Policy Management Suite for a major mobile operator in Eastern Europe based on Open Source platforms, eliminating 3rd party license costs for the customer and massively decreasing OpEx for Policy Management platform

Our benefits

  • Experience in successful delivery of large-scale BSS transformation projects for major telecom operators
  • Compliance with main industry standards and best practices
  • Experience with wide variety of Open Source platforms and frameworks

BSS Infrastructure Support and Maintenance
5 years of continuous support and maintenance of BSS infrastructure (billing and mediation) for large Eastern European CSP including permanent customization, integration, implementation of new products, data migration, and constant productivity enhancements.

Business Support Systems

What we do > Business Support Systems

Experience and innovation

BSS Service Description

The Globberry BSS division possesses a unique set of expertise to ensure successful delivery in the most critical part of the CSP’s business.  Globberry helps clients to grow their business and keep up with competitors by providing tools to launch new innovative products. The main value we are offering is lean and agile BSS solutions with minimal time to market and support cost.

Service Offerings

We perform complete delivery cycle support for Billing, Charging, Mediation projects. One of our key competencies is DPI and PCRF implementation, both with our own products and third party solutions. We believe that future of telecom industry is in the usage of open source frameworks backed up by big market players. We help to select such an open source based product and implement it.

Our service offering includes:

Billing and Charging
Online and Offline Mediation
Legacy BSS Data Migration
Open source frameworks and platforms for OSS/BSS

Besides the full cycle of project implementation, Globberry BSS offers additional services in Project/Program management, software development, quality assurance, acceptance testing and data migration.

Our Achievements

We have experience of implementation and maintenance of CSP class “mission critical” real-time solutions with high load and performance

     • Turnkey implementation of DPI solution with 2 million concurrent subscribers’ sessions and 20Gbps analyzed interface
     • Implementation of a Document Generation System with 1 million pages generated monthly
     •Implementation of a pre-billing mediation system with 1 billion offline-charged and 0.5 billion online charged events per day
     • Extensive system integration experience. Building interfaces with loads of 1000 requests per second

Our Benefits

     • An experience of building and maintaining mission critical BSS applications with more than 10 million. subscribers
     • Own product management and software development expertise of CSP class BSS software
     • Proven capability to scale engineering staff for the projects

Globberry networking capabilities explained

Case Study: PCRF Implementation
Extensive growth of data services and strong request to build new products with complex pricing had driven our customer to start PCRF implementation projects. PCRF opened a new dimension of data services business by providing agile environment for fast building of the new products and services for the business and individual subscribers
SDN & NFV Reality chek. Globberry experts are sharing their insights
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean euismod bibendum laoreet. Proin gravida dolor sit amet lacus accumsan et viverra bla-bla-bla
Read more >

Globberry CTO speaks on future of managed services
Related materials
White Paper: Globberry Network build and deply white paper
Datasheet: Globberry Network services datasheet


What we do > Networking
Experience and innovation
Networks Service Description
Globberry Networks offers a complete range of network technology services in a variety of technological domains for CSPs, Enterprises and Government. We invest a great deal of effort in creating better communication across the countries for people, thus making our clients successful.

Service Offerings

We take full responsibility for projects, from planning and architectural definition to transferring them into operations. The services we offer include:

Planning and Architecture
Building and Deployment
Operations and  Maintenance
Additional Services:
Interoperability Check
Training and Onboarding
Development of Operating Procedures
Project Management
Site Rollout and Upgrade


Globberry Networks delivers services in all major network domains: core, aggregation, transport and access with unique competence in building nationwide transport DWDM networks, IP/MPLS networks of different scale, mobile backhaul, data centers and corporate networks.

Our Achievements

We are proud of having delivered better communications to millions of households and individuals in our country

     • 1000 IP/MPLS nodes installed
     • 10 000 km of DWDM networks built
     • Mobile backhaul network for more than 10 million subscribers
     • CSPs networks for hundreds of cities and towns
     • More than 20 certified engineers

Our Benefits

Over our years in business, we have developed a set of characteristics, making our offer stand out among the competition

     • Rich and diversified experience of rollout, upgrade and maintenance of country scale networks in a country with a population of 45 million
     • Experience with a wide variety of technologies and products
     • Strong and elaborate methodology of project delivery
     • Efficiency in managing a workforce: ability to support nationwide networks, upgrade, planning and maintenance by a small engineering staff
     • Proven capability to scale engineering staff for the projects
     • Work with all major vendors

Globberry networking capabilities explained
Case Study: Mobile backhaul for 3G rollout
Nationwide 3G rollout required the rapid extension of mobile backhaul capabilities. Our company performed transmission capacity upgrade for one of the country largest mobile operators